miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

Confectionery Torres

Confectionery Torres, Torres or also Café is a restaurant chain based in Santiago, capital of Chile. He is currently managed by the Soto family Misseroni, and is considered one of the oldest restaurants in downtown Santiago that continues running. 

His specialty is the Chilean cuisine from native-plates with different varieties including meats, seafood and vegetables-up traditional sweets of the country. 

Torres Confectionery was founded in 1879 by José Domingo Torres Butler and since 1910 has been located in the Palacio Iniguez in Alameda Bernardo O'Higgins. Since its inception, the site has served as a meeting place for politicians and intellectuals Chilean presidents as Federico Errazuriz Echaurren and Arturo Alessandri Palma, and writer Joaquín Edwards Bello. In this restaurant, the sandwich Barros Luco, consisting of bread with meat and melted cheese, named in honor of President Ramon Barros Luco, who was a regular guest of the local was created. At the same restaurant, as I consider one of the legends alluding, was created the typical drink called 'monkey tail'. 

In 1959, the Confectionery Torres was acquired by Bartholomew Alomar, who modernized their services. Like the early twentieth century, the site continued to be a meeting place for intellectuals and politicians, telling the president Eduardo Frei Montalva among his most recognized people. 

In 2009, a branch located inside the Palace of La Moneda Cultural Center was opened, and in 2010 opened a new headquarters in Goyenechea Isidora Street in Barrio El Golf in Las Condes.

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