lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

DuPont History

In 1787, a young Frenchman in 16 years, named Eleuthère Irenee du Pont, began his training in the manufacturing industry gunpowder government in Paris. Due to the French Revolution of 1789 Eleuthère Irénée (whom we shall call henceforth EI) and his father departed due to the U.S. in search of better living and working conditions.
The du Pont stepped on American soil the first January 1, 1800. E.I. convinced his father to be involved in the production of gunpowder, as the young man had trained in this and considered that the powder was not only a viable product, but also an evolving technology.
E.I. found that the powder was manufactured in the United States could be improved, found flaws in almost every aspect of production. His father said: "These competitors are not to be considered, and the government was in need of domestic manufacture gunpowder. The capital met du Pont, bought equipment and founded EI du Pont de Nemours & Company on July 19, 1802.
After two years of effort came the fireworks factory that du Pont called Eleutheria Mills. Facilities include accommodation for 30 workers and their families. Product quality was such that he soon acquired a reputation for first. The secretary of war ordered the United States to try different types of locally made gunpowder, and stated that the one made by DuPont was the best, although for political reasons was forced to distribute contracts among various manufacturers. DuPont gunpowder outperformed its competitors in the country for several reasons which even then had what would be the hallmark DuPont business organization, the company noted high standards, using technology and modern production methods and management of business was efficient, which benefits all should be premised on a stable workforce and well trained. The system of training and retaining employees was the result of long-range vision EI
On October 31, 1834, at the age of 63 years, EI died of a heart problem on the street. One of his legacies was that it raised a scientific spirit and innovative manufacturing methods of the United States.
The pioneers along the expanding frontier of gunpowder needed to break through, which facilitated the growth of the company.
Cellulose proved to be a fertile field of useful materials such as films, DuPont began providing Hollywood in the twenties. Research on cellulose produced the painting "Duco", which solved the old problem of the auto industry, whose production was stagnated by the lack of a fast-drying paint. In 1924 General Motors introduced Duco in all its divisions.
DuPont committed itself to the manufacture of artificial leather for bookbinding industries, upholstery, waterproof clothing and automotive. There were revolutionary products such as rayon and cellophane, neoprene (synthetic rubber) and nylon, invented perhaps the most glamorous of the company, born in 1938 at the Experimental Station, promoted to women as a material "as strong as steel, fine as a cobweb and yet more elastic than any commonly used natural fiber, silk stockings they lost their way and broke. Nylon stockings were the item that every woman wanted to look, became a real rage in fashion, so apart from the thousand uses that were revealed for the new product. Then came a number of inventions, perhaps the best known of them is Teflon ®.
During the postwar years the chemical industry grew twice as fast as all U.S. industry at that time. In late 1950, DuPont was extended to other countries.
In the sixties, diversification and internationalization were DuPont's key strategies for continued success. In that decade, the company spent 100 million dollars to launch 41 new products. The Permasep allowed desalinate sea water, while 20 of the 21 layers of space suits of the men who landed on the moon in 1969 were made with DuPont materials.
The international operations of DuPont provided huge gains in the late 1970's. At the other end of the planet, a new electronics plant in Singapore increased their share of the company in the rapidly growing markets of the Far East and Asia, also in April 1981 and acquired DuPont New England Nuclear Corporation in effort to strengthen its research in life sciences.

Most of DuPont products that are hidden in plain sight, as are the raw material and indispensable part of everyday items: computers and phones are becoming smaller, miniature devices and components on countless auto parts , space capsules and space probes, Spirit and Opportunity, which transmitted images from Mars, walls and roofs of houses and aircraft, special suits to protect against fire and bullets, etc., technological wonders that exist because DuPont is a company scientific, which devotes a considerable portion of their finances to research, without which there would be no inventions that promote new products.
Innovation is the core of the spirit of this company, nearly every day presents a new product or an improvement, the figures speak for themselves: 34 000 patents and intellectual property around the world, more than 2 000 300 patents since 1998 and more 25 awards since 2002.
Products are well known and widely used as nylon, cellophane, Lycra, Kevlar ®, Teflon ®, among many others, left the DuPont laboratories. The company currently involved in the food world, with the production of better seeds and machines that measure the quality of food.

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